Saturday 1 October 2016

Relation between Dental issues and General health………..Fact/Myth????

Yes, teeth infection can really turn out to be serious issues. It’s hard to imagine how a toothache could turn deadly—but it can. Even mild or moderate dental discomfort quickly turns into a serious condition, known as an abscess - a pus-filled infection inside the tooth or between a tooth and the gum. 

No one has a precise explanation for the trend, but some experts speculate that the high cost, pain phobia, lack of awareness of dental treatment prevent many people from seeking routine dental care and perhaps delaying treatment when a dental problem occurs/arises.

Dr. Erin Sutton, a Fort Walton Beach dentist, pointed out the infection could either move to bone marrow or the bloodstream, causing sepsis and affecting major organs.

“Toothache leads to multi-organ dysfunction” Ms Mala, 26 yrs, lands in ICU, unable to drink, eat or speak. Never had she, imagined that lack of oral hygiene could prove so disastrous. What started as a simple toothache landed with multi-organ dysfunction. Mala survived three mild cardiac attacks and was on ventilator for two months before recovery.

When a toothache and swelling in her right jaw bothered, she, like any other youngster, thought pain killers would be the cure. However, those didn't help her in fact, the ache led to dental cellulitis and the swelling made its way to her throat, blocking the passage. An examination revealed the infection had spread to her vital organs and she was diagnosed with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. There was a shower of bacteria on her lungs and fluids in the lungs started accumulating around her heart. Besides, there was a clot in a vein that connects the heart, head and the neck region. Oral hygiene was compromised, leading to the spreading of anaerobic bacteria,"
“Ms Mala had a lot of cavities and didn’t bother to take care of them. It hit her only when she lost speech, couldn’t lie down and wasn’t even able to swallow water. It’s a rebirth for him.”