Wednesday 12 October 2016

Nicotine !!!!!!!!! stains.....not only teeth but LIFE too....

It’s no more a secret that tobacco usage is bad for health and can lead to multitude of problems. Nicotine and tar are two culprits in regard to the tobacco stains, though nicotine is colorless but when it comes in contact with oxygen it becomes yellow. Yellow stains on the teeth of nicotine users are common, yet embarrassing. One side it causes oral health problem while on the other side affects the personality, lack of self confidence. Luckily these stains are extrinsic and can be removed.

Removing tobacco stains from teeth.

Over the counter available whitening toothpaste claim to remove stains, but they often work by abrasive/erosive action. Abrasive action causes wear of the hardest layer (enamel) of the tooth there by increase in the chances of sensitivity, while erosive action is due the acidic content which dissolves tooth. Thus, care is advised before using them.

Another easily available material for removing extrinsic stains is white strips. But the drawback with the same is that it is only effectively done on front teeth but has hard time in reaching nooks and corner of teeth. The most effective way to remove this is bleaching of teeth. But before, bleaching professional cleaning is to be done to prevent the blotchy appearance.

Powered tooth brush has proved itself in reducing stains but still can’t remove those stains completely.