Your mouth is a jungle-home to myriads of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. It has
been established that the environment present in the human mouth allows the
growth of characteristic mouth microorganisms. It provides water and nutrients, as well as a moderate temperature which are conducive for microbial growth. Resident microbes of
the mouth adhere to the teeth and gums to resist mechanical flushing from the
mouth to stomach. Scaling helps in maintaining oral hygiene, by removal of tartar
and deposits on the base of teeth, there by health of gums is also restored, scaling also enhances tooth
color by removal of extrinsic stains.
The problems that are answered by scaling are:
Bleeding gums
Bad breath
Ugly looking deposits on teeth
Thick inflamed gums
Increase in firmness of gums on
Prevention of bone resorption,
thereby better support hence prolonging life of healthy teeth
Reduction of oral bacteria thus less germs to the stomach so healthy body too
With the reduction of microbes, the rate of progression dental caries/cavity is also delayed a lot
Reduction of oral bacteria thus less germs to the stomach so healthy body too
With the reduction of microbes, the rate of progression dental caries/cavity is also delayed a lot